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As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join hands with us. Your generosity will contribute towards bringing about God's purpose for "We Worship at His Feet" to make selfless worship the living state of our hearts. We want everyone that engages to know what it means to commit to a life of selfless worship, worshiping God in Spirit and in truth. Every contribution, no matter how small, has the power to make a difference. 


Together, let us be the vessels through which God's power flows, transforming individuals, communities, and nations.


It is more than just a moment of praise; it is an ecounter, powered by a revelation of who God is that leads us to a changed lifestyle. It is a sacred commitment to surrendering all that we are and all that we have at the feet of God. It is a conscious decision to let go of our own strength and embrace the limitless power of the Divine. Selfless worship is the essence of living in alignment with our true purpose, a purpose designed by God, The Creator Himself.


In Zechariah 4:6, we find the word of God that we stand on: "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts." This verse encapsulates our belief that true transformation comes not from our own efforts, but from the divine intervention of God's Spirit working within us.


Join us on this journey and together, let us witness the miraculous power of God, through selfless worship.


With heartfelt gratitude,


Olu & Funke at Dwellers Hub

Give by using details below. 

Account holder: Dwellers Hub  Account number: 56696024  Sort code: 041450

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